Ideas with Maps!!

Ideas with Maps!

Hello Friends!! For this week’s Demo, I wanted to give you some fun ideas for using old maps or an old Atlas!! I had SO MUCH FUN coming up with all sorts of fun ideas to share with you!! Check out the video tutorial below:

Old Maps are SO FUN to play with!! Not only are there SO MANY OPTIONS but you can also create lots of cool art with them!!


One of my MOST FAVORITE IDEAS was making little insects from maps!!

You can make them too!! It is SO EASY!!

-Print off your insects from online (a “public domain” image is best!)

-Use removable double-sided tape and tape your insect on top of your map paper

-Cut out your insect wings

-Make the body by wrapping a tapered piece of cardstock around a skewer and glue in the center for hte “body”

-Add a bead and some wire for the head and antennae

Look how CUTE these moths are!!


I love you you can also take an old handled paper sack, add some MAP PAPER and suddenly, it’s WAY more fun!!

(I even added a little moth to this bag!! I couldn’t help it, I LOVE these little moths!!)


Check out this idea for using maps (Or map 12” x 12” paper!!) as well as some pressed leaves and flowers to make a fun gift box!!

Oh, yes I DID add a moth to this package too!!


Check out this idea!!

Do you find your fridge is full of useless magnets?!? (…for the pizza place that closed or the plumber who you never call…?) Well here is a great way to put them to use!!

Use 2” Double sided tape to adhere your map to a magnet and cut out STATES! You can arrange them on your fridge and it makes for a GREAT fun activity for kids as well as offering an educational tool!! Not just that, but who doesn’t love a fun magnetic puzzle?!?

Now for some fun Card Making Ideas using Maps!!

I love this idea for if you have recently MOVED!! What a great way to give people an idea of what is around your new home!! (Especially if you’ve moved far away or to a different State or Country!!)


Or what about this fun idea doing a fun cut-out in the center and folding back the leaves! I used brads (.. and a little glue!) to hold the leaflets back. I love this fun idea!!

There are so many fun ways to use MAPS in your creations!!

I hope you were inspired to start playing!!


Thanks for joining me for this week’s Demo!!

See you soon, friends!!

